Our Products

Solutions inspired by nature


A technology of choice

The BIONEST advanced treatment system reproduces, maintains and enhances the natural purification process normally performed in soil. Biological treatment takes place in an underground tank to minimize the occupation of land. The controlled environment helps to eliminate all residues from wastewater that are harmful to your health and the environment.

The BIONEST system offers high performance water purification using a simple, efficient and durable technology. Its treatment quality/price ratio is unparalleled. The BIONEST system stands out with its patented non-biodegradable media. Biomass (good bacteria) develops and firmly attaches to both sides of the BIONEST ribbon shaped polymer media. The high population of bacteria and the support offered by the media for their growth provide the reactor with an outstanding performance and resistance to hydraulic shocking (peak flow). The BIONEST system requires no external clarifier or sludge storage basin.

The major portion of the reactor is aerated through linear air pumps and fine bubble diffusers, which provide turbulent conditions to ensure enhanced treatment. Multiple pumps are used to supply air to the reactor allowing for redundancy, thus ensuring continuing treatment even during maintenance or failure of one or more air pumps. 

The BIONEST media and permanent ventilation make it an unparalleled system on the market.

Among the many benefits:

  • Simple and robust components
  • Low operating cost
  • Completely buried
  • No treatment building required
  • Odourless

An experienced team

The Bionest technical team is proud of its achievements and will offer you the best solution for your project.

An effective treatment... Inspired by nature

Treatment performance for the bionest system


Organic pollution1



Suspended solids2


Fecal coliforms3


bionest system




Quebec standard for wastewater




Results obtained for NQ 3680-910 certification

  1. 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand, carbonaceous element. BOD5C is one of the parameters for characterizing the pollution load of liquids. This is the oxygen measurement required, under controlled conditions, to oxidize organic matter by biological means.
  2. Suspended solids. This parameter allows the liquids to be characterized by measuring the concentration of solids in the liquid.
  3. Colony-forming units. This unit is used for the enumeration of bacteria including fecal coliforms. This is the number of colonies that develop on a culture medium following an incubation period.