Media & Documentation
5th consecutive year...
Winner of the Technology Green 15 Award
Winner of the H2O Water Awards
November 30, 2011
Last November 25th at the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai, was held the H2O Water Awards 2011. This event celebrated the outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations who contributed to the advancement of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region’s water industry.
This year, the magnificent crystal trophy, in the category Projects, “Water Efficiency Leader” was awarded to our partner, Gulf Contracting, in the presence of the region’s water industry, that had turned out in full strength to lend its support.
This award was to recognize Corporates, Organizations, Industry who have achieved significant reduction in their water use through more efficient delivery of water, water recycling, wastewater reclamation and re-use, potable water substitution or process optimisation in water/wastewater projects.
The winners, Gulf Contracting Company - BIONEST alliance for their project which treats 1.4 million gallons of sewage from one of their labour camps into equivalent recycled water per month, saving approximately Qatari Riyals two million a year. Twenty per cent of the recycled water is used at source and the rest is transported to their construction sites for use in a host of construction related activities. The system conserves potable water produced through costly and energy intensive desalination. The avoidance of sludge removal reduces traffic congestion, minimises carbon emissions and reduces the load on the government's sewage treatment plants. The company is in the process of doubling its output to three million gallons/month.
It is a well deserved great acknowledgement for their dedication and hard work. MM. Robert Lord and Fraser Drummond, from our Dubai office, accepted the award with great pride in their name.
We, at Bionest, are very proud of the confidence Gulf Contracting has put in our wastewater treatment technology. The performance level of the systems already installed for more than a year now, is exceptional. Several new projects are foreseen and this new recognition, remitted in the presence of the biggest players in the industry, can only bring our technology to the forefront. We will continue to support our partner in its endeavours and help him to pursue his goal as it is also ours: water preservation.
Gilles Champagne and the whole Bionest team offer them our sincere congratulations.